Final results are in for the 2016 NAQP Challenge. PVRC held on to their lead to capture the NAQP Challenge Cup from 2015 winner SMC. NCCC finished third.
SMC members actually outscored PVRC for the course of the last 5 contests, but PVRC (a much larger club) had more logs than we did for these contests and that, coupled with the HUGE score they posted in the January CW contest, made it impossible for us to catch up.
You can view the current totals and download the 2016 NAQP Challenge Activity Report, or view the previous results.
The activity report shows the scores each of our members posted for each contest, along with the total score contributed by each member. If you look at the summary statistics on the first page of the report, you will see that SMC had the highest percentage of members participating (48%, twice the number of the next highest club, NCCC) and we also had the most members participate in all 6 NAQP contests (28 compared to only 15 for the next highest club, PVRC).
It’s not too early to mark your calendars for 2017. Here are the dates for the 2017 NAQP contests:
NAQP CW: Jan 14
NAQP SSB: Jan 21
NAQP CW: Aug 5
NAQP SSB: Aug 19
Tim K9WX