The Society of Midwest Contesters
The Society of Midwest Contesters

Membership Discussion Reflectors

The SMC currently has two email reflectors. All SMC members are invited to join one, or both, of these options.

General Membership Reflector
Score Reporting Reflector
Note: SMC also has a Discord chat server

Rules for all reflectors

The following general rules apply to all reflectors. Each reflector may have certain specific rules.

  1. Keep it civil. Attacks, or disparaging remarks, about other members, clubs, or organizations are not allowed. Violations may lead to your removal from the reflector, and possibly revocation of your SMC membership.
  2. Posts about religion, politics, controversial topics, and jokes do not belong on SMC forums.
  3. Messages are limited to 2048KB in size. This includes images, text, headers, etc. It is recommended to use an external image host (e.g. imgur.com) and include links to those images. If you must attach your image, please consider shrinking the dimensions and file type to reduce the size of the file. Messages larger than 2048KB will be rejected/discarded without notice.

General Membership Reflector

All members are encouraged to join the general membership reflector. This reflector is used for most club announcements and discussion. Only election ballots are sent directly to member emails.

When posting to the reflector, please keep these guidelines in mind.

  1. Posts should be relevant to the SMC, contesting, station/operator improvement (as it relates to contesting).
  2. SMC is not a general interest ham radio club. Generalized ham radio topics should be kept to a minimum.
  3. If your response to a topic does not contribute to the broader discussion, please reply directly to the sender and not the entire reflector.
    • Examples might include, but not limited, simple congratulatory messages. Use your best judgement.
  4. The SMC reflector is not a digital hamfest. Limited “For sale/WTB” posts are allowed. The content included should be related to contesting, as described in item #1. Preferably in an effort to give members a chance at the deal prior to a general public offering.
  5. Be descriptive in your subject line. Nobody should need to read your email just to know what it’s about. The membership reflector is not the place for clickbait subjects.
  6. After contest score reporting should be done to the score reporting reflector.
  7. Do NOT post spots to the reflector. The reflector is not part of the spotting cluster.
    • Band condition discussions during an active contest should also be avoided.
  8. There should be no reason that your message should be sent to both reflectors at the same time. If you feel that your message fits the target of both reflectors, please rethink your message.
Subscribing to the reflector

The SMC general reflector is only for current SMC Members. To begin receiving messages from SMC, you will need to go here

http://mail.w9smc.com/mailman/listinfo/smc_w9smc.com and subscribe yourself.

Be sure to subscribe yourself from the address with which you send your emails from or you won’t be able to post anything to the reflector. Your subscription request will need to be approved before you will start receiving SMC email.

Sending mail to the reflector

To send a message to all SMC list members, use a message with the following form:

From: Joe Ham <joeham@lid.net>
To: smc@w9smc.com
Subject: SMC Fest

So, who’s going to SMC Fest?
Unsubscribing from the reflector

To stop receiving messages from SMC you will need to go here


Requesting digest

Instead of getting each message from the list separately, you may ask the list server to send you a compendium of all the messages that were sent that day. Every 24-hours you will receive a single email message with a contents and each message listed in it.

To change your settings please visit http://mail.w9smc.com/mailman/listinfo/smc_w9smc.com

Score Reporting Reflector

Many members do not wish to see the reports of scores following each contest. In an effort to reduce clutter on the general membership reflector please use the score reporting reflector for these types of posts. This allows members to still send/receive these posts, if they choose. Those that do not wish to see these posts can still remain subscribed to the general reflector without seeing these messages.

When posting to the reflector please keep these guidelines in mind.

  1. Posts should be about SMC member score reports following a contest.
  2. If your response to a topic does not contribute to the broader discussion, please reply directly to the sender and not the entire reflector.
    • Examples might include, but not limited, simple congratulatory messages. Use your best judgement.
  3. “For sale/WTB” posts are NOT allowed.
  4. Do NOT post spots to the reflector. The reflector is not part of the spotting cluster.
    • Band condition discussions during an active contest should also be avoided.
  5. There should be no reason that your message should be sent to both reflectors at the same time. If you feel that your message fits the target of both reflectors, please rethink your message.
Subscribing to the reflector

The SMC score reporting reflector is only for current SMC Members. To begin receiving messages from SMC, you will need to go here

http://mail.w9smc.com/mailman/listinfo/scores_w9smc.com and subscribe yourself

Be sure to subscribe yourself from the address with which you send your emails from or you won’t be able to post anything to the reflector. Your subscription request will need to be approved before you will start receiving SMC email.

Sending mail to the reflector

To send a message to all SMC list members, use a message with the following form:

From: Joe Ham <joeham@lid.net>
To: scores@w9smc.com
Unsubscribing from the reflector

To stop receiving messages from SMC you will need to go here


Requesting digest

Instead of getting each message from the list separately, you may ask the list server to send you a compendium of all the messages that were sent that day. Every 24-hours you will receive a single email message with a contents and each message listed in it.

To change your settings please visit http://mail.w9smc.com/mailman/listinfo/scores_w9smc.com