The Society of Midwest Contesters
The Society of Midwest Contesters

NAQP Challenge Update

The NCJ has published the preliminary results for the February NAQP RTTY contest, and the NAQP Challenge website has been updated to reflect this new data.  See http://k9wx.net/naqpc/current.htm  Also available for download on this page is a PDF file that shows the points each club member contributed through the three contests that have run so far this year.  Club members should contact Tim K9WX at TimK9WX@gmail.com with any corrections.

SMC had the best turnout of the three club (NCCC, PVRC, SMC) for the February RTTY contest, with the most participants and the most points.  SMC was thus able to close the gap PVRC had created by virtue of its strong turnout for the CW and SSB NAQP’s, but PVRC still has a sizeable lead.

The second round of NAQP contests starts on July 16 with the RTTY contest, followed by the CW and SSB contests on August 6 and August 20.

SMC WRTC 2018 Fundraising Strategy

Intent: Maximize SMC’s financial support to the overall success of WRTC 2018 through a deliberate

fundraising and donation strategy that provides our membership opportunities to support the WRTC

organization as well as 9th call area participants.

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Final Results for SMC Sweepstakes Sweepstakes: Team MidSouth Takes First Place

SMC Team MidSouth had a modest lead in the 2015 SMC Sweepstakes Sweepstakes after SS CW was in the log.  They cemented their overall first place finish with a strong first place finish in SS SSB, an impressive coast to coast victory.

As was the case last year, Sweepstakes Sweepstakes is not necessarily about big scores.  Team Northwest had the same number of 100,000 plus point logs for CW and SSB as MidSouth, and Northwest also had the highest average scores across both contests.

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CQWW SSB and Sweeptakes Records Updated

October 23, 2015  –  Just in time for CQWW Phone and Sweepstakes contests, the SMC Area Records (always available in the Operating menu) have been updated with the latest results.  Check them out and see what records you’d like to go after.  Several records are prime to be set, as there’s never been any entrants, such as many of the Single-Op-Assisted Low Power and QRP single band entries, especially on the low bands.

Have a look:
CQWW DX Phone Records
Sweepstakes CW Records
Sweepstakes Phone Records