The Society of Midwest Contesters
The Society of Midwest Contesters


3/11/2015 – We have several first timers…those that had the highest total score a special coffee mug.  The winners are:

First time CW – W9QL
First time Phone – N9SJ
First time RTTY – WB8BZK
First time all three modes – KE0L
Mugs have been ordered and will be personalized and shipped to the winners.

SMC Member file available

1/19/2015 – Anthony, AB9YC, created a member file that can be used with your contesting software. If you are running N1MM+, you can select this file and the regular history file for your contest and they will combine. You can export a new history file and they will be combined and used later.

Once the contest starts and any SMC member calls you, SMC Member will show on the screen and show their name and state.

Link to file…  SMC Member File

I will also add this to the Resources tab. It will be updated from time to time. We also may add other useful files.

WPX Zone 4 Award thank you

12/23/2014 – From  K4AB:

“It was a nice surprise to open the mailbox and get the plaque for Zone 4 in the CQ WPX phone contest!
I want to thank SOMC for the sponsorship.
Having spent 2 years in the Midwest back in the 80’s, I KNOW what contesting is like in your neck of the woods!
Please give my appreciation to all the members of the club…I know I’ll see you all in upcoming contests.
Larry K4AB
WZ4F in WPX”