Brian, N9ADG (Editor of ARRL Contest Update) will present on Sweepstakes and also his role in Contest Update – 50 minutes
Wyatt, AC0RA will present on VHF Contesting and his experiences roving. He is just now completing a very successful Gridpedtion for ARRL VHF to rare grids. – 50 minutes
Bart, W9JJ ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager – ARRL Contest update…50 minutes
Randy, NA9RB Lightning protection in the shack 20 minutes
Gary, W9XT Maximizing your Part Time scores – 20 minutes
Jim, N9JF QSO Party mobile operations – 20 minutes
CJ, WT2P SO2R from a City Lot – 30 minutes
We will also have a short session with the ARRL officials in attendance to announce contest winners and awards. K9CT will also address current CAC activities.
Congratulations to the members who took part in the CQ VHF contest!
SMC Fest is a sanctioned ARRL Operating Specialty Convention.
L-R seated Craig, K9CT (President); Zig, KM9M (Membership Secretary); Valerie, NV9L (Treasurer); on table Eric, K9GY via Skype, Anthony, AB9YC; Ryan, KB9OWD
standing Jerry, WB9Z; Pat, WW9R; Gary, W9XT; Brian, K9QQ; CJ, WT2P; Ralph, K9ZO; Tim, K9WX; Tom, AA9A on Skype but not pictured.
The class of 2021 board has been elected. Congratulations to W9XT, WT2P and K9WX. A seat was filled on the 2019 class due to the vacancy of seat by K3WA, who is moving. WB9Z was elected to fill the term. Congratulations.