We are pleased to announce that the registration is now open for SMC Fest 2018
Registration information is here.
We have some very good speakers and topics lined up for this year’s event. Please register soon as the room block will fill up fast. Many will arrive the night before to visit.
March 28, 2018
Ralph, K9ZO, Bill, K3WA and Craig, K9CT met with the Hyatt Regency staff and agreed on this year’s plans for SMC Fest August 25th.
We will have all day water, coffee and soft drinks. Lunch will be buffet style and will be
Appetizers: Cheese Cube platter and Fruit Tray
Entrees: Roast Beef au Jus and chicken Breast
Sides: Oven Roasted Red Potatoes, Green Beans and Seven Layer Salad
Dessert: Brownie Tray
Cost of the SMC Fest will be the same as last year $35 per person
Registration will be setup soon.
Our successful IC7300 Radio raffle proceeds were sent to WRTC 2018. This is our third tent that SMC has sponsored.
Congratulations to SMC members N4TZ and N9RV being chosen as WRTC competitors.
SMC announces the sponsorship of the NA Collegiate Championship. We want out members to contact their college or university and help them get on the air for this. We also want other contest clubs to do the same. The goal is to get young people involved in contesting. Invite the prospective operators to your station in a contest and help them get on the air.
Here are the details…