The award is earned by members who contribute 10,000 QSO’s to club contest efforts. It is a one-time award with no endorsements, or time limit. The purpose of this award is to recognize SMC members for their continued contribution to club efforts, regardless of station capabilities, and to increase SMC club scores. Most members will require several years or more to complete the requirements. This is the reason for it being a life time award.
2024 SMC Lifetime Achievement Awards Calendar
You can also download a PDF version of this calendar
QSO’s must be from listed contests after January 1, 2020. The contester must be a member in good standing at the time of the contest. SMC membership lapses are allowed, but points are not accumulated during periods of non-membership.
One point is awarded for each QSO in the listed contests.
The contests where members can gain points are *:
NAQP – CW, Phone, RTTY
ARRL 10 Meter
ARRL 160 Meter
ARRL DX – CW and Phone
ARRL International Digital
ARRL Sweepstakes – CW and Phone
ARRL VHF Contests – January, June, September
CQ 160 Meter – CW and Phone
CQ WPX – CW, Phone, RTTY
IL QSO Party
IN QSO Party
WI QSO Party
World Wide Digi DX
Members are required to submit scores to 3830 and logs to the contest sponsor by the log deadline to obtain QSO credit. It is the member’s responsibility to ensure both are filed properly, including call signs of guest ops and multi-op participants. Points are credited from the 3830 listings. Points submitted to 3830,but without entry to the contest sponsor,are subject to removal. Check logs are not valid for points towards this award.
Members are expected to submit their scores to the SMC with the following exceptions:
The NAQP does not have a club competition. Members who submit scores to the NAQP Challenge will have their points credited for the award. Members do not have to be a member of an SMC team but are encouraged to join one.
SMC member entries that cannot claim SMC as their affiliated club because they are outside the ARRL, or CQ, circles may claim other clubs and still get LAA QSO credit.
Members are encouraged to use their own state’s QSO party as a contesting recruitment opportunity at your local club. Members are encouraged to submit their own state’s QSO party scores for their local club.
Members participating in multi-op efforts will be eligible to earn QSO points. Their points will be the final QSO total divided by the number of operators. The 3830 score listing must include the call signs of all operators. Members wishing to claim their share of a multi-op effort must notify the award coordinator within ten days of the contest.
Guest operator points will be awarded to the operator. For example, WT2P at and using the call WB9Z will count for WT2P. The 3830 posting must indicate the call of the operator.
Awards will be presented once per year at the SMC Fest or another event set by the SMC Board of Directors. Award winners not present will have their awards delivered by other methods. Points accumulated from the start of the program to 90 days before the presentation event will be eligible for the current year’s award. Points earned in the interim 90 days will be applied to the next year’s award opportunity.
Tim, K9WX and Gary W9XT are spearheading this effort within SMC. More information including detailed statistics for each member, a PDF version of the rules can be found here.
For any scoring corrections, contact Tim K9WX at: For any other questions, contact Tim K9WX, or Gary W9XT at