12/8/2014 – W9SMC SMC Team MidCentral found itself in Third Place at the end of CW Sweepstakes, but strong participation in SSB Sweepstakes vaulted them to a First Place overall finish in the first ever SMC Sweepstakes Sweepstakes, according to the preliminary results released today, with the East team taking second place.
The Sweepstakes Sweepstakes is not necessarily about big scores: the East team had the highest average score per log for SS CW and the Northwest team (who led the competition after SS CW) had the highest average score per log for SS SSB along with the highest individual score. And, the East team had the most logs from both contests with scores of 100,000 points or more.
What the MidCentral team had was the most logs submitted, a whopping 41 for both contests, despite having the second smallest team with only 49 total members, compared to only 34 logs for the second place East team. The scoring (CW Logs x CW Points) + (SSB Logs x SSB Points) rewards both big point totals from individual stations plus participation as measured by the number of logs submitted, and MidCentral submitted too many logs to allow the impressive individual scores from the other teams to prevail. In fact, 27 of the MidCentral team members submitted a log for one contest or the other, and 14 members submitted a log for both contests, tops in both categories.
Scoring is based on claimed scores and the ARRL is still processing a few paper logs, but it is not believed at this point that the paper logs outstanding will alter the final result.
You can download a summary of the scoring at Results. Corrections should be sent to Tim, K9WX at TimK9WX@gmail.com. Final results will be published after all corrections have been processed and after all paper logs have been transcribed by the League, with award certificates being sent via email shortly after that.