Intent: Maximize SMC’s financial support to the overall success of WRTC 2018 through a deliberate
fundraising and donation strategy that provides our membership opportunities to support the WRTC
organization as well as 9th call area participants.
WRTC 2014: In 2014 SMC contributed over $3000 to the success of WRTC 2014. We sponsored two
tents at a cost of $1000 each, plus a Village sponsorship at another $1000. That doesn’t take into
account any of the individual donations from SMC members.
WRTC 2018: We hope to provide the same level of support to WRTC 2018. SMC set up a budget line
item for WRTC 2018. At any time members can send money to the club and specify that it be used for
SMC WRTC 2018 sponsorships. We will have fund raising campaigns in 2016, 2017, and 2018. With over
150 members, just $7 from each member, each year, will ensure we meet our goal.
WRTC 2018 Donations: Most of all, as a world-class contest club, we hope our SMC members will
financially support the WRTC 2018 event any way they can. This is the opportunity every 4 years for the
dedicated, high performing members of our hobby to get together and battle it out to see who is at the
top of their game. Whether you can support any of our other fund raising goals or not, please give what
you can to the WRTC 2018 organization to help offset the significant cost of making this event possible.
To learn about all the ways to support WRTC 2018 visit their website,
Club Competition: If and when you decide to donate, we would like you to send your donation via PayPal
to donation@w9smc.com and please indicate in the memo that the money is for WRTC. We will forward your donation to WRTC 2018 along with a list of member’s calls and forward them to the WRTC committee so they can put your call on the WRTC website.
This will put ensure all our donations go toward the club competition and you get recognitions!
If you choose to donate directly on the WRTC website, please affiliate with SMC so we get credit towards the club competitition.
You can go to the WRTC 2018 website, WRTC 2018 Donation, and register to donate on behalf of up to two
clubs; Make one of those clubs SMC. When you do, SMC gets credit for you donation and moves up in
the standings. Just like the club competitions in all major contests, we hope that SMC finishes at the top
of the standings, showing the worldwide contest community that we are a committed supporter of
amateur radio contesting.
Tent Sponsorship: Tent sponsorship for WRTC 2018 is $1115; our goal is to sponsor two tents again,
one for Team NA #3 (W8/9) and a Team Youth. Tent Sponsors Members can send money to the club at
any time and specify that it be used for tent sponsorship. We recommend adding some extra funds
when you renew your 2017 or 2018 dues and designate them for tent sponsorship. Besides the obvious
benefit of offsetting the cost of each operating location, our club’s name will be prominently displayed
on the tents so that everyone knows we are a supporter of WRTC 2018. In addition, the tent sponsors
for the top 3 scoring teams will receive a commemorative plaque.
Village Sponsorship: WRTC 2014 required significant funding for the hotel and conference area that
functioned as the WRTC Village. We sponsored the Village on behalf of the W9 team. Although WRTC
2018 hasn’t announced Village sponsorship for 2018, we expect they will need similar support, and we
would like to contribute. Our goal is to provide $1000 that will go to Village sponsorship for Team NA #3